Although it is an outpatient procedure, tooth extraction for both adults and children is a major medical procedure that will require at least one day of recovery. In some cases, it takes several days if several teeth were extracted or if it was difficult to remove them. Dentists recommend having this type of procedure during vacation periods when patients are already at ease and have the time available to heal. Following the extraction, it is necessary to eat a diet of soft foods that will not irritate the area during recovery.
Ice Cream
If a patient does not have sensitive teeth, ice cream is one of the first things that they should reach for following a tooth extraction. Even the sorest mouths can generally handle ice cream because it is both soft in texture and cool in temperature. In fact, it is so cold that it can often effectively reduce swelling of the gums as a result of the procedure. Soft serve ice cream is the best option but remember that this is not the time for candy toppings or sprinkles that can get into the healing gums and cause complications. It is also important to remember to rinse your mouth out after eating to avoid any sugar buildup.
Cool Soup
Another meal option following a tooth extraction is soup, served either cool or lukewarm. At certain times of the year, especially summer, smooth gazpacho may be an even better option than a cool broth. Not only is soup easy to ingest following oral surgery, but it is often packed with nutrients and protein that can aid in the healing process. Make sure you choose a soup that is as smooth as can be to avoid any discomfort. Small noodles or pieces of vegetable are fine but you should avoid any ingredients that would require you to chew while your mouth is healing.
Scrambled Eggs
Scrambled eggs are a great option after oral surgery because they are nutrient-rich but also soft and require very little chewing. Just make sure that they have adequately cooled before you eat them.
A fruit smoothie is one of the best ways to get your daily dose of nutrients following a tooth extraction. Blend your fruits with yogurt to enhance your smoothie with calcium, probiotics, and protein. Using a dairy base for your smoothie also reduces the acidity from the fruit, making it less likely to irritate your gums as they heal.
If you are in need of dental care and looking for a Salem, MA dentist, consider using Hallmark Dental. We are currently accepting new patients and would love to hear from you. For more information about our services, please click here.